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Manuscript Critique 

This is sometimes called developmental editing or content editing. If you have finished the first draft of your book, you need honest and objective feedback on your work. Rather than focus on line-by-line editing, a Manuscript Critique is about making sure you are achieving what you set out to do.

For fiction, I focus on elements such as plot, setting, point of view, theme, conflict, tone, and characterization. I suggest cutting certain elements, adding others, and making any necessary structural changes.


For nonfiction, I help you organize the book and offer suggestions for how to best support your arguments. I point out what is missing, what can be cut, and I suggest ways to restructure the information. I can also help with chapter titles, subheadings, and ways to express data visually.


•    A detailed critique of 2 to 3 pages
•    In-line commentary throughout the manuscript indicating where precisely the manuscript needs work, including suggestions of where arguments need more support, where the story line could improve, and anything else that can benefit from revisions.
•    An analysis of the key elements of your work, such as plot, dialogue, characterization, structure, coherence, consistency, and organization
•    An edited outline so you can make revisions with confidence After a Manuscript Book Critique, authors have more clarity on the work to be done and renewed excitement for the book.

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Line Editing

Once you have incorporated feedback from the Manuscript Critique and done some rewriting, you are ready for line editing. This is the line-by-line revision of a text to improve clarity and readability, which includes suggested changes to word choice and sentence structure. This service also includes copy editing, which involves checking for typos, grammatical errors, and punctuation mistakes.


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•    Line-by-line editing of your book to improve clarity and flow while maintaining

your distinct voice
•    Corrections of spelling, grammar, typos, and any other inconsistencies
•    Suggestions to improve the tone, style, word choice, and sentence structure throughout the manuscript
•    Revisions will be made as suggestions, so that you can review everything and accept or reject those changes, which gives you       complete creative control over your book
•    Personalized notes for the next steps, so you have everything you need to make revisions

Query Letter Review

Those seeking to publish traditionally need a query letter that will get the attention of literary agents. This short letter includes critical details about your book: the title, the author, genre, word count, and a synopsis. I will review your query letter and make detailed suggestions on the structure, style, and content. A good query letter must have a powerful hook and a compelling synopsis that will make a literary agent want to read the book.

Your manuscript might fade into the slush if it fails to grab their interest! Paying special attention to the tone, structure, length, and focus of the letter is a must. I will share the query letter I wrote to land an agent and a two-book deal with HarperCollins, and bring those same skills to making your letter as strong as possible


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Book Coaching

I guide authors through the book writing process, which includes helping them brainstorm ideas, stay organized, get unstuck when they are blocked, and I can also provide feedback along the way so they can improve their writing. Because all writers have different needs, I ask that we first hop on a call so I can better understand your project and where you are in the writing process.


After the consultation, I will propose how we might work together best and provide you with your next steps.

For more information about book coaching, this is a great resource:

Conversation between Colleagues


A consultation allows you to discuss your personal needs in-depth. It can also be to answer any questions you may have about the writing or publishing process, because there is a lot of misinformation out there. In fact, we can discuss anything you would like

Do any of the following statements resonate with you?

•    I want to write a book but don’t know how to begin.
•    I’ve started but am struggling to finish.
•    The plot or structure feels like a complete mess.
•    I feel creatively stuck.
•    I’ve finished my book but don’t know whether to self-publish or go the traditional route.
•    I need some guidance regarding agents, publishers, etc.

After the consultation I will provide you with an outline of all the items discussed, resources based on your needs, and suggestions for your following steps.

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